
Single Frame Stories: Wall

Via my usual “how the fuck did I get here?!” process of Saturday Morning Link-Hopping, I landed on the Single Frame Stories site, and loved the idea so much I had to have a go. The current prompt is ‘wall’ and, rather than take it literally and build a wall, I thought about all the metaphorical walls that are out there. One of the hardest walls to overcome is the one that can form in a relationship. I’m sure we’ve all been there, both in RL and in SL.

This was my submission for the prompt:

Click here to view a larger version.

Yes, the GUI isn’t perfect, but the inference of the SL GUI is there (the colours, etc). The dreaded *ting!* of being logged out, and applying it to a failing relationship (just as dreaded) struck me as being very similar.

And then I started worrying that people following me on Flickr might think that Daros and I were breaking up, so I had to add a disclaimer. No, we’re not breaking up! We’ve never been happier! This is just art.

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